Episode #347: An Artificial, Assenting Smile

The team talks Persuasion (2022) and finds that they didn’t all have negative reactions.

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Episode #345: Tempers to Manage

The team talks about Jane Austen’s Persuasion.

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Episode #288: The Highbury Farce

The colors. The music. The farce. There was so much to love about the 2020 film adaptation of Emma and the team gets into it in this episode, but not without a few disagreements along the way.

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Commentary #20: Emma (1996)

Jess, Jenn, and Kendyl watch the 1996 film adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma in what might be the most talk-filled commentary we’ve ever done.

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REWIND #62: Engagingly Clueless Emma

Relisten to this 2013 episode where Jess and Kendyl cover Emma by Jane Austen and what it means to like and root for a main character.

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Episode #151: A Flirty Pissing Contest and Zombies


Jenn, Sarah, and Kendyl discuss Pride and Prejudice and Zombies the film, the movie and the original Jane Austen novel they are descended from in this entertaining episode. They could have done without the B plot the film added, but Darcy’s leather coat, Bingley being useless, and the badass Bennet quintet more than make up for it.

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Vlog: Characters We Love to Hate

In which Kendyl  lists those characters that are really enjoyable to watch and really satisfying to hate.

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Vlog: Thanks to the Authors!

In which Jenn thanks several authors for their literary input–and impact–to the world!

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Vlog: Five Memorable Quotes You Wish You Could Forget

Jenn lists off the top five quotes that we would love to scrub from our brains.



Vlog: Most Anticipated Adaptations in 2015

Kendyl lists all the films we’re finding it hard to wait to see in 2015.


Adaptation #98: Emma’s Approved Improvements

header098Back to discuss another Pemberley Digital creation, the hosts get in depth about Emma Approved, a modern day interpretation of Jane Austen’s Emma. What translated well, what was shaky and who do we find ourselves loving even more? Have a listen and find out!

Don’t forget to listen to our discussion of Jane Austen’s Emma here!

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For a similar discussions, check out our episodes on The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, The Fault in Our Stars, Sherlock (the series) and our commentary on The Princess Bride

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Author Spotlight Vlog: Jane Austen

In which Jenn turns our author spotlight onto the unparalleled Jane Austen.



Vlog: Top Five Character Blunders

In which Jess tells you our picks for the most atrocious character defining mistakes.


Related Podcasts:

#56: Fashionably Early Kronos (Sea of Monsters film)

#27: Where is the Silver Lining? (Silver Linings Playbook film)

#39: Nothing to Get Green Over (Oz the Great and Powerful film)

Vlog: Nine Best Adapted Scripts

In which we set a record for list length and tell you about the nine screen adaptations that had awesome scripts.


Related Podcasts:

#22: Because… High School (The Perks of Being a Wallflower)

#30: Do Bananas Float? (Life of Pi)

#34: The Merry Old Land of Manipulation (The Wizard of Oz)


Vlog: Six Plot Changes That Worked

In which we list plot changes in film adaptations that actually worked with the story.


Related podcast episodes:

#26: Luckily For Hobbits, Size Doesn’t Matter (The Hobbit novel)

#29: Toners For Dwarves (An Unexpected Journey)

#52: Much Ado About Whedon

#72: Never Tickle a Sleeping Dragon (The Desolation of Smaug)

Emma Approved: The Road So Far

When I got to the end of episode 24 of Emma Approved and saw that I had to wait until February for a new video, I didn’t think I’d make it, especially when it ended with an uncharacteristically defeated Emma being comforted by a sweet rather than snarky Knightley. Like a lot of other fans, I filled the void by rewatching the series, multiple times, to pick up on the things that I may have missed the first time around. And now, on this our last Emma-less Thursday, I wanted to get out some thoughts about the series so far.

The Set Up

I have to admit first off, that it took me some time to get into the series and that made me very nervous. The Lizzie Bennet Diaries had me hooked from the first video, but with Emma Approved I was letting the videos stack up for a week or two before I caught up. Happily, I have moved past that phase and am now firmly in the refreshing-my-feed-every-Monday-and-Thursday-for-the-new-video phase. It’s a grand yet torturous place to be.

But the hiatus has given me time to think about why there was such a difference between the two. Emma needs set up. The story itself and the character take time to get into. In The Lizzie Bennet Diaries the set up is just about introducing characters, most of which live under one roof and whose situation in life is familiar to most of us. But Emma’s world is different. The story hinges on the audience really understanding her world, her place in it and her flaws. Emma Approved even took it upon themselves to add additional setup that wasn’t in the original novel in the form of Annie’s hesitations about her marriage to Ryan. It gave us time to see how Emma works, how she schemes and how much she trusts that her own point of view is the only point of view. And it gives us time to fall in love with her despite her intensity so that when she falls, we’re rooting for her to get back up.

The Little Misunderstandings

Before Emma Approved started, we did a podcast on Jane Austen’s novel where we tried to predict what the big mystery was going to be in the series. For The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, we spent most of our time speculating how Lydia’s story would be modernized, but we couldn’t quite put our finger on what the Emma equivalent was. At 24 episodes in, I’m still not convinced that there is that One Big Thing, but I think I’m having just as much fun with the little story tweaks. The note and concert tickets taking the place of Elton’s riddle. The song taking the place of the painting of Harriet (which I find exceedingly more believable than Clueless’s “I have the picture you took in my locker” moment). It’s all the little misunderstandings leading to the big reveals that create the tone for Emma, and Emma Approved is hitting that note perfectly with those cringe-worthy, look through your fingers, second-hand embarrassing moments. I will admit that I had to watch the Emma versus Senator Elton showdown in small intervals while taking deep breaths.

The Status Critique

While I do love where we’re at so far with the series, there are a few things that have been bothering me about how Emma’s world fits together and how that world fits into ours.

In Austen’s novel, Emma and her father hold the highest status position in their town of Highbury, second only to Mr. Knightley. Mr. Elton, however, is a bit lower on the totem pole, to the point where Emma is a bit insulted that he thinks he has a chance with her. In Emma Approved, we are given the impression that Emma runs with a pretty elite crowd, but the status equivalencies of the other characters are a little messy after that, especially in the case of Senator Elton. While his status does make him almost laughably uninterested in Harriet, it also makes him much higher than Emma and Knightley, which is a bit disappointing. I suppose it’s a lesser plot change, but it does change the dynamics between the characters a bit. Even Knightly being more equal with Emma rathat than higher than her is a slight change to their relationship that could have some consequences down the road.

The In-World Disparity

While we’re talking about everyone’s place, the other thing I find a bit confusing is the videos themselves. When the series started, a lot of people were asking how the videos fit into the world of Emma Approved and the creators made this post to explain it. To sum it up, Emma is recording the footage for her future documentary, but the edited videos that we see do not exist in-world. So the characters know that they are being recorded, but the videos are not publicly available as far as they are concerned. This cleared up my original confusion, but also saddened me because I thought that meant that we wouldn’t get any Q&A videos, which were some of my favorite videos in The LBD.

But apparently we can have Q&A videos, as we’ve now seen two of them. But I don’t understand how people are sending in questions for Emma and Knightley to answer in videos that they are not supposed to have seen. Earlier this week, there was an advice blog post written by Knightley and that seemed to make a bit more sense. Of course Emma would run a blog for her company. But the videos also get posted on the blog, which further messes up the fact that these videos don’t technically exist or at least haven’t been edited by lovely documentary makers yet.

I can understand the disparity from a creator’s viewpoint. They want the blog to be a place where viewers can go to get all the new Emma Approved content. And since The Lizzie Bennet Diaries was heralded for it’s interactivity with the fans, they wouldn’t want to give that up either. But I still can’t deny that it makes my head spin to think about the logistics.

With all that said, I’m really just ready for this hiatus to be over so I can get some more lovely and occasionally cringe-worthy content. And I’m also ready for my standing ovation for getting through this whole post without dubbing anything as “so Emma approved.”

Tell us in the comments what has been your favorite part of Emma Approved so far. Or if anything has been confusing you about the series. Or if you want more Snarky Knightley!

Vlog: Six Best Adaptations of All Time

In which our Adaptation hosts compile our (first) list of the best adapted films/shows of all time.


Vlog: Favorite Adaptations of 2013

Where we list off our favorite adaptations of the year, from film to television to YouTube.


Related podcast episodes:

#71: Two Sides to Every Twisted Tale

#69: The Spark Catches Fire

#52: Much Ado About Whedon

#42: All About the EL-BEE-DEE!

Vlog: What Are We Reading? (December 2013)

In which our Adaptation host Jessica nearly has a breakdown over one of John Green’s tearjerkers, and the other hosts read a smorgasbord of genres, from dystopias to magical realism to classic lit.


Related podcast episodes:

#42: All About the EL-BEE-DEE!

Vlog: Seven Most Epic Book to Movie Moments

In which we give you the scenes that were epically accurate in translation to the screen.


Related podcast episodes:

#42: All About the EL-BEE-DEE! (on the Lizzie Bennet Diaries)

#7: Seneca Crane’s Beard Invalidates Your Opinion (on The Hunger Games film)

#29: Toners for Dwarves (on The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey film)