Episode #325: New, Inexperienced, Untrained, Naive

Jenn, Dorin, and Kendyl talk about the film The Green Knight (2021) and various translations of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, which it’s based on.

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Episode #308: You Must Be True to Your Heart

The Adaptation hosts discuss Mulan (2020), their criteria for liking these Disney live-action remakes, and what exactly makes stories like Mulan empowering

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Episode #249: Medieval Batman

Jenn, Dorin, and Kendyl compare Robin Hood (2018) to the legend, other adaptations, and… Batman Begins (2005)…

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Episode #246: What a Guy! Monsieur Hood

Our team gets together to figure out where they learned the Robin Hood legend, and talk through all the adaptations of it that they’ve seen.

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Episode #239: Slender Mythology

Adaptation recalls their history with slenderman and have some laughs over the new movie, Slender Man (2018).

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Vlog: L’Apprentie de Merlin Dreamcast


Jenn dreamcasts the series l”Apprentie de Merlin, by Fabien Clavel!

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Vlog: Most Anticipated Adaptations of 2018


Jenn lists the movies coming out in 2018 that our hosts can’t wait to see!
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Vlog: Best Adaptations of 2017


In which Jess recaps our hosts’ choices for best adaptations released in 2017.
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Vlog: Mythology of Rick Riordan Spotlight


Jenn raves about the brilliance of Rick Riordan’s series–all of them!
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Vlog: The Wee Free Men Dream Cast

In which Jess casts a truly magical all-star line-up for the first book in Terry Pratchett’s Tiffany Aching sequence, The Wee Free Men.

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Vlog: Five Inaccurate Historical Adaptations

In which Jess bemoans several historical adaptations for their sheer lack of historical accuracy.

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Vlog: Bedazzled – A Faustian Tale

In which Kendyl takes you through the original material that led to Bedazzled (2000).

Doctor Johann Faustus (1587)
Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus, performed by Oxford Theatre Guild (December 2013)

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Vlog: Voiceovers Done Right

In which Kendyl goes over the best voiceovers in adaptations and why they were so well executed.

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Clips from:
Veronica Mars (2014) – (C)  Warner Bros. Digital Distribution,  Spondoolie Productions, Rob Thomas Productions
A Christmas Story (1983) – (C)  Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), Christmas Tree Films
Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) – (C)  New Line Cinema, WingNut Films, The Saul Zaentz Company
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012) – (C)  New Line Cinema, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), WingNut Films
Rise of the Guardians (2012) – (C)  DreamWorks Animation
Stardust (2007) – (C)  Paramount Pictures, Marv Films, Vaughn Productions
The Princess Bride (1987) – (C)  Act III Communications, Buttercup Films Ltd., The Princess Bride Ltd.

Vlog: Characters We Hate to Love

In which Jess lists the characters that we can’t help but love — even against our better judgment!

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Vlog: Alan Rickman Spotlight

In which Kendyl pays tribute to the great Alan Rickman.

Alan Rickman Interview

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Vlog: Heracles Spotlight

In which Dorin keeps it real when telling the true story of Heracles – NOT Hercules!

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Vlog: Worst Adaptations of Mythology

In which Jess deals with both the past and the future in listing our hosts’ choices for worst adaptations of mythology!

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Vlog: Underrepresented Mythologies

In which Kendyl lists some geographical areas that are really underrepresented in adaptations.

Vlog: The Adaptation of Santa Claus

In which Kendyl goes over just some of the elements that turned St. Nicholas into Santa Claus.

Saint Nicholas, Sinterklaas, Santa Claus
Who is St. Nicholas?
Santa Claus Wiki
Saint Nicholas Wiki
Sinterklaas Wiki
Father Christmas Wiki

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Staff Recommendations – December 2014

The Adaptation staff have been relaxing over the holidays with the following. How about you?

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

My recommendation is Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. It’s a comedy about the apocalypse (yes, you read that right), and about an angel and a demon who are trying to stop it because they’ve come to like the earth too much. It is freakin’ hilarious, and for Supernatural fans out there, there is a demon called Crowley.


Good Omens on BBC Radio 4

Capitalizing on Jess, my recommendation would be the BBC radio play of Good Omens starring the voices of Peter Serafinowicz and Mark Heap! Only 3 weeks left to listen to the first couple episodes. You can find all 6 episodes via this link!


Columbo, Concluded after 10 Seasons

I recently watched through some episodes of Columbo, which is an old police procedural series.  It stars Peter Falk as Lieutenant Columbo, a seemingly bumbling police officer whose talent for observation is nothing short of Sherlockian.  Each episode starts off the same: we as the viewers actually see how each crime–most likely a murder–is committed, and by whom, so there is always a sense of dramatic irony.  The fun part, though, is seeing exactly how Columbo works out what we already know–which he inevitably does in the course of the episode.  It’s a really interesting show, and pretty darn funny too, which is always a good thing.


Lost Girl, Sundays on Showcase

I just recently caught up on Lost Girl, which follows a succubus, Bo, as she navigates the world and rules of the Fae after not knowing what she was or how her powers worked for most of her life. The show is really great at pulling out really obscure faery myths for Bo and her friends to tangle with, and though there are a few characters that fall flat for me, the other ones completely make up for it. I got stuck at the end of season 3 for a while because I wasn’t entirely interested in what was happening, but watching season 4 showed me that it was a mistake to stop. I felt like the writers finally hit their stride and the end of the season had me openly sobbing several times. If you’re into kick-ass female characters, empowering female sexuality and weird mythological creatures, be sure to check it out! I’m off to start season 5!


That’s it for us this month, but be sure to leave your own recommendations in the comments!